Python API

Immutable objects

class morphio.Annotation

Container class for information about anomalies detected while parsing the file (no soma, section with a single child…)

property details

Returns the details

property diameters

Returns the list of diameters of annotated points

property line_number

Returns the lineNumber

property perimeters

Returns the list of perimeters of annotated points

property points

Returns the list of coordinates of annotated points

property section_id

Returns the sectionId

property type

Returns the type

class morphio.AnnotationType


single_child : Indicates that a section has only one child

property name
class morphio.CellFamily





property name
class morphio.CellLevel

Container class for information available at the cell level (cell type, file version, soma type)

property cell_family

Returns the cell family (neuron or glia)

property soma_type

Returns the soma type

property version

Returns the version

class morphio.Collection

A collection of morphologies

argsort(morphology_names: List[str]) List[int]

Argsort morphology_names by optimal access order.

Note: This API is ‘experimental’, meaning it might change in the future.

close() None
load(morph_name: str, options: int = <Option.no_modifier: 0>, mutable: bool = False) object

Load the morphology named ‘morph_name’ form the collection.

load_unordered(morphology_names: List[str], options: int = <Option.no_modifier: 0>, mutable: bool = False) object

Create an iterable of loop index and morphology.

When reading from containers, the order in which morphologies are read can have a large impact on the overall time to load those morphologies.

This iterator provides means of reordering loops to optimize the access pattern. Loops such as the following

for k, morph_name in enumerate(morphology_names):

morph = collection.load(morphology_names[k]) f(k, morph)

can be replaced with

for k, morph in collection.load_unordered(morphology_names):

assert collection.load(morphology_names[k]) == morph f(k, morph)

The order in which the morphologies are returned in unspecified, but the loop index k can be used to retrieve the correct state corresponding to iteration k of the original loop.

The iterable returned by Collection.load_unordered should only be used while collection is valid, e.g. within its context or before calling Collection.close.

Note: This API is ‘experimental’, meaning it might change in the future.

class morphio.DendriticSpine

Class representing a Dendritic Spine

property cell_family

Returns the cell family (neuron or glia)

property connectivity

Return the graph connectivity of the DendriticSpine where each section is seen as a node Note: -1 is the soma node

property diameters

Returns a list with all diameters from all sections Note: diameters belonging to the n’th section are located at indices: [DendriticSpine.sectionOffsets(n), DendriticSpine.sectionOffsets(n+1)[

iter(iter_type: morphio.IterType = <IterType.depth_first: 0>) Iterator

Section iterator that runs successively on every neurite

iter_type controls the order of iteration on sections of a given neurite. 2 values can be passed:

  • morphio.IterType.depth_first (default)

  • morphio.IterType.breadth_first

property points

Returns a list with all points from all sections Note: points belonging to the n’th section are located at indices: [DendriticSpine.sectionOffsets(n), DendriticSpine.sectionOffsets(n+1)[

property post_synaptic_density

Returns the post synaptic density values

property root_sections

Returns a list of all root sections (sections whose parent ID are -1)

section(section_id: int) morphio.Section

Returns the Section with the given id throw RawDataError if the id is out of range

property section_offsets

Returns a list with offsets to access data of a specific section in the points and diameters arrays.

Example: accessing diameters of n’th section will be located in the DIAMETERS array from DIAMETERS[sectionOffsets(n)] to DIAMETERS[sectionOffsets(n+1)-1]

Note: for convenience, the last point of this array is the points array size so that the above example works also for the last section.

property section_types

Returns a vector with the section type of every section

property sections

Returns a vector containing all sections objects

Notes: - Soma is not included - First section ID is 1 (0 is reserved for the soma) - To select sections by ID use: DendriticSpine::section(id)

property version

Returns the version

write(filename: object) None
class morphio.EndoplasmicReticulum

The entry-point class to access endoplasmic reticulum data Spec

property filament_counts

Returns the number of filaments for each neuronal section

property section_indices

Returns the list of neuronal section indices

property surface_areas

Returns the surface areas for each neuronal section

property volumes

Returns the list of neuronal section indices

class morphio.GlialCell

Class representing a Glial Cell

exception morphio.IDSequenceError
class morphio.IterType





property name
class morphio.LogLevel






property name
exception morphio.MissingParentError
class morphio.MitoSection

Class representing a Mitochondrial Section

property children

Returns a list of children mitochondrial sections

property diameters

Returns list of section’s point diameters

has_same_shape(arg0: morphio.MitoSection) bool
property id

Returns the section ID The section ID can be used to query sections via Mitochondria::section(uint32_t id)

property is_root

Returns true if this section is a root section (parent ID == -1)

iter(iter_type: morphio.IterType = <IterType.depth_first: 0>) Iterator

Depth first iterator starting at a given section id

If id == -1, the iteration will be successively performed starting at each root section

property neurite_section_ids

Returns list of neuronal section IDs associated to each point of this mitochondrial section

property parent

Returns the parent mitochondrial section of this section throw MissingParentError is the section doesn’t have a parent

property relative_path_lengths

Returns list of relative distances between the start of the neuronal section and each point of the mitochondrial section

Note: - a relative distance of 0 means the mitochondrial point is at the beginning of the neuronal section
  • a relative distance of 1 means the mitochondrial point is at the end of the neuronal section

class morphio.Mitochondria

The entry-point class to access mitochondrial data By design, it is the equivalent of the Morphology class but at the mitochondrial level As the Morphology class, it implements a section accessor and a root section accessor returning views on the Properties object for the queried mitochondrial section

property root_sections

Returns a list of all root sections (section whose parent ID is -1)

section(section_id: int) morphio.MitoSection

Returns the mithochondrial section with the given ID

property sections

Returns a list of all mitochondrial sections

class morphio.MitochondriaPointLevel

Container class for the information available at the mitochondrial point level (enclosing neuronal section, relative distance to start of neuronal section, diameter)

exception morphio.MorphioError
class morphio.Morphology

Class representing a complete morphology

property annotations

Returns a list of annotations

as_mutable() morphio.mut.Morphology
property cell_family

Returns the cell family (neuron or glia)

property connectivity

Return the graph connectivity of the morphology where each section is seen as a node Note: -1 is the soma node

property diameters

Returns a list with all diameters from all sections (soma points are not included) Note: diameters belonging to the n’th section are located at indices: [Morphology.sectionOffsets(n), Morphology.sectionOffsets(n+1)[

property endoplasmic_reticulum

Returns the endoplasmic reticulum object

iter(iter_type: morphio.IterType = <IterType.depth_first: 0>) Iterator

Section iterator that runs successively on every neurite

iter_type controls the order of iteration on sections of a given neurite. 2 values can be passed:

  • morphio.IterType.depth_first (default)

  • morphio.IterType.breadth_first

property markers

Returns the list of NeuroLucida markers

property mitochondria

Returns the soma object

property n_points

Returns the number of points from all sections (soma points are not included)

property perimeters

Returns a list with all perimeters from all sections (soma points are not included) Note: perimeters belonging to the n’th section are located at indices: [Morphology.sectionOffsets(n), Morphology.sectionOffsets(n+1)[

property points

Returns a list with all points from all sections (soma points are not included) Note: points belonging to the n’th section are located at indices: [Morphology.sectionOffsets(n), Morphology.sectionOffsets(n+1)[

property root_sections

Returns a list of all root sections (sections whose parent ID are -1)

section(section_id: int) morphio.Section

Returns the Section with the given id throw RawDataError if the id is out of range

property section_offsets

Returns a list with N+1 offsets to access data of a specific section in the points and diameters arrays (size N).

Example: accessing diameters of n’th section will be located in the diameters array: diameters[section_offsets[n]: section_offsets[n + 1]]

Note: for convenience, the last element of this array is equal to the length of the points/diameters arrays so that the above example works also for the last section.

property section_types

Returns a vector with the section type of every section

property sections

Returns a vector containing all sections objects

Notes: - Soma is not included - First section ID is 1 (0 is reserved for the soma) - To select sections by ID use: Morphology::section(id)

property soma

Returns the soma object

property soma_type

Returns the soma type

property version

Returns the version

exception morphio.MultipleTrees
class morphio.Option







property name
class morphio.PointLevel

Container class for information available at the point level (point coordinate, diameter, perimeter)

property diameters

Returns the list of diameters

property perimeters

Returns the list of perimeters

property points

Returns the list of point coordinates

class morphio.PostSynapticDensity

DendriticSpine post-synaptic density

property offset

Returns offset of post-synaptic density

property section_id

Returns sectionId of post-synaptic density

property segment_id

Returns segmentId of post-synaptic density

class morphio.Properties

The higher level container structure is Property::Properties

property cell_level

Returns the structure that stores information at the cell level

property point_level

Returns the structure that stores information at the point level

property section_level

Returns the structure that stores information at the section level

exception morphio.RawDataError
class morphio.Section

Class representing a Section

property children

Returns a list of children sections

property diameters

Returns list of section’s point diameters

has_same_shape(arg0: morphio.Section) bool
property id

Returns the section ID The section ID can be used to query sections via Morphology::section(uint32_t id)

is_heterogeneous(downstream: bool = True) bool

Returns true if the tree downtream (downstream = true) or upstream (downstream = false) has the same type as the current section.

property is_root

Returns true if this section is a root section (parent ID == -1)

iter(iter_type: morphio.IterType = <IterType.depth_first: 0>) Iterator

Section iterator

iter_type controls the iteration order. 3 values can be passed:

  • morphio.IterType.depth_first (default)

  • morphio.IterType.breadth_first

  • morphio.IterType.upstream

property n_points

Returns the number of points in section

property parent

Returns the parent section of this section throw MissingParentError is the section doesn’t have a parent

property perimeters

Returns list of section’s point perimeters

property points

Returns list of section’s point coordinates

property type

Returns the morphological type of this section (dendrite, axon, …)

exception morphio.SectionBuilderError
class morphio.SectionLevel

Container class for information available at the section level (section type, parent section)

property children

Returns a dictionary where key is a section ID and value is the list of children section IDs

property section_types

Returns the list of section types

property sections

Returns a list of [offset, parent section ID]

class morphio.SectionType


















property name
class morphio.Soma

Class representing a Soma

property center

Returns the center of gravity of the soma points

property diameters

Returns the diameters of all soma points

property max_distance

Return the maximum distance between the center of gravity and any of the soma points

property points

Returns the coordinates (x,y,z) of all soma point

property surface

Returns the soma surface

Note: the soma surface computation depends on the soma type

property type

Returns the soma type

exception morphio.SomaError
class morphio.SomaType







property name
exception morphio.UnknownFileType
class morphio.VasculatureSectionType










property name
class morphio.Warning














property name
exception morphio.WriterError
morphio.set_ignored_warning(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_ignored_warning(warning: morphio::enums::Warning, ignore: bool = True) → None

    Ignore/Unignore a specific warning message

  2. set_ignored_warning(warning: List[morphio::enums::Warning], ignore: bool = True) → None

    Ignore/Unignore a list of warnings

morphio.set_maximum_warnings(arg0: int) None

Set the maximum number of warnings to be printed on screen 0 will print no warning -1 will print them all

morphio.set_raise_warnings(arg0: bool) None

Whether to raise warning as errors

Mutable objects

class morphio.mut.DendriticSpine

Class representing a mutable Dendritic Spine

append_root_section(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. append_root_section(point_level_properties: morphio.PointLevel, section_type: morphio.SectionType) → morphio.mut.Section

    Append a root Section

  2. append_root_section(immutable_section: morphio.Section, recursive: bool = False) → morphio.mut.Section

    Append the existing immutable Section as a root section If recursive == true, all descendent will be appended as well

property cell_family

Returns the cell family

property post_synaptic_density

Returns the post synaptic density values

property root_sections

Returns a list of all root sections IDs (sections whose parent ID are -1)

property sections

Returns a list containing IDs of all sections.

write(filename: object) None
class morphio.mut.EndoplasmicReticulum

Class representing a mutable Endoplasmic Reticulum

property filament_counts

Returns the number of filaments for each neuronal section

property section_indices

Returns the list of neuronal section indices

property surface_areas

Returns the surface areas for each neuronal section

property volumes

Returns the volumes for each neuronal section

class morphio.mut.GlialCell

Class representing a mutable Glial Cell

class morphio.mut.MitoSection

Class representing a mutable Mitochondrial Section

append_section(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. append_section(point_level_properties: morphio.MitochondriaPointLevel) → morphio.mut.MitoSection

    Append a new MitoSection to this mito section

  2. append_section(section: morphio.mut.MitoSection, recursive: bool = False) → morphio.mut.MitoSection

    Append a copy of the section to this section If recursive == true, all descendent will be appended as well

  3. append_section(immutable_section: morphio.MitoSection, recursive: bool = False) → morphio.mut.MitoSection

    Append the existing immutable MitoSection to this section If recursive == true, all descendent will be appended as well

property diameters

Returns the diameters of all points of this section

has_same_shape(arg0: morphio.mut.MitoSection) bool
property id

Return the section ID

property neurite_section_ids

Returns the neurite section Ids of all points of this section

property relative_path_lengths

Returns the relative distance (between 0 and 1) between the start of the neuronal section and each point of this mitochondrial section

class morphio.mut.Mitochondria

Class representing a mutable Mitochondria

append_root_section(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. append_root_section(point_level_properties: morphio.MitochondriaPointLevel) → morphio.mut.MitoSection

    Append a new root MitoSection

  2. append_root_section(immutable_section: morphio.MitoSection, recursive: bool = True) → morphio.mut.MitoSection

    Append a new root MitoSection (if recursive == true, all descendent will be appended as well)

  3. append_root_section(section: morphio.mut.MitoSection, recursive: bool = True) → morphio.mut.MitoSection

    Append a new root MitoSection (if recursive == true, all descendent will be appended as well)

breadth_begin(section_id: morphio.mut.MitoSection = -1) Iterator

Breadth first iterator starting at a given section id

If id == -1, the iteration will be successively performed starting at each root section

children(section_id: morphio.mut.MitoSection) List[morphio.mut.MitoSection]
depth_begin(section_id: morphio.mut.MitoSection = -1) Iterator

Depth first iterator starting at a given section id

If id == -1, the iteration will be successively performed starting at each root section

is_root(section_id: morphio.mut.MitoSection) bool

Return True if section is a root section

parent(section_id: morphio.mut.MitoSection) morphio.mut.MitoSection

Returns the parent mithochondrial section ID

property root_sections

Returns a list of all root sections IDs (sections whose parent ID are -1)

section(section_id: int) morphio.mut.MitoSection

Get a reference to the given mithochondrial section

Note: multiple mitochondria can shared the same references

property sections

Return a dict where key is the mitochondrial section ID and value is the mithochondrial section

upstream_begin(section_id: morphio.mut.MitoSection = -1) Iterator

Upstream iterator starting at a given section id

If id == -1, the iteration will be successively performed starting at each root section

class morphio.mut.Morphology

Class representing a mutable Morphology

property annotations

Returns a list of annotations

append_root_section(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. append_root_section(point_level_properties: morphio.PointLevel, section_type: morphio.SectionType) → morphio.mut.Section

    Append a root Section

  2. append_root_section(immutable_section: morphio.Section, recursive: bool = False) → morphio.mut.Section

    Append the existing immutable Section as a root section If recursive == true, all descendent will be appended as well

  3. append_root_section(mutable_section: morphio.mut.Section, recursive: bool = False) → morphio.mut.Section

    Append the existing mutable Section as a root section If recursive == true, all descendent will be appended as well

as_immutable() morphio.Morphology
build_read_only() morphio.Properties

Returns the data structure used to create read-only morphologies

property cell_family

Returns the cell family (neuron or glia)

property connectivity

Return the graph connectivity of the morphology where each section is seen as a node Note: -1 is the soma node

delete_section(section: morphio.mut.Section, recursive: bool = True) None

Delete the given section

Will silently fail if the section is not part of the tree

If recursive == true, all descendent sections will be deleted as well Else, children will be re-attached to their grand-parent

property endoplasmic_reticulum

Returns a reference to the endoplasmic reticulum container class

iter(iter_type: morphio.IterType = <IterType.depth_first: 0>) Iterator

Section iterator that runs successively on every neurite

iter_type controls the order of iteration on sections of a given neurite. 2 values can be passed:

  • morphio.IterType.depth_first (default)

  • morphio.IterType.breadth_first

property markers

Returns the list of NeuroLucida markers

property mitochondria

Returns a reference to the mitochondria container class

remove_unifurcations() None

Fixes the morphology single child sections and issues warningsif the section starts and ends are inconsistent

property root_sections

Returns a list of all root sections IDs (sections whose parent ID are -1)

section(section_id: int) morphio.mut.Section

Returns the section with the given id

Note: multiple morphologies can share the same Section instances

property sections

Returns a list containing IDs of all sections. The first section of the vector is the soma section

property soma

Returns a reference to the soma object

Note: multiple morphologies can share the same Soma instance

property soma_type

Returns the soma type

property version

Returns the version

write(filename: object) None

Write file to H5, SWC, ASC format depending on filename extension

class morphio.mut.Section

Class representing a mutable Section

append_section(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. append_section(immutable_section: morphio.Section, recursive: bool = False) → morphio.mut.Section

    Append the existing immutable Section to this sectionIf recursive == true, all descendent will be appended as well

  2. append_section(mutable_section: morphio.mut.Section, recursive: bool = False) → morphio.mut.Section

    Append the existing mutable Section to this section If recursive == true, all descendent will be appended as well

  3. append_section(point_level_properties: morphio.PointLevel, section_type: morphio.SectionType = <SectionType.undefined: 0>) → morphio.mut.Section

    Append a new Section to this section

    If section_type is omitted or set to ‘undefined’ the type of the parent section will be used

property children

Returns a list of children IDs

property diameters

Returns the diameters of all points of this section

has_same_shape(arg0: morphio.mut.Section) bool
property id

Return the section ID

is_heterogeneous(downstream: bool = True) bool

Returns true if the tree downtream (downstream = true) or upstream (downstream = false) has the same type as the current section.

property is_root

Return True if section is a root section

iter(iter_type: morphio.IterType = <IterType.depth_first: 0>) Iterator

Section iterator

iter_type controls the iteration order. 3 values can be passed:

  • morphio.IterType.depth_first (default)

  • morphio.IterType.breadth_first

  • morphio.IterType.upstream

property parent

Get the parent ID

Note: Root sections return -1

property perimeters

Returns the perimeters of all points of this section

property points

Returns the coordinates (x,y,z) of all points of this section

property type

Returns the morphological type of this section (dendrite, axon, …)

class morphio.mut.Soma

Class representing a mutable Soma

property center

Returns the center of gravity of the soma points

property diameters

Returns the diameters of all soma points

property max_distance

Return the maximum distance between the center of gravity and any of the soma points

property points

Returns the coordinates (x,y,z) of all soma point

property surface

Returns the soma surface

Note: the soma surface computation depends on the soma type

property type

Returns the soma type